In looking for a complete family photo to post to this blog I realized I didn't have one.That says a lot about the family dynamics which I come from.Having family drama is like the dirty little secret that haunts everything you do. You spend one part of your life mad at somebody or everybody for being the way they are.Then you hop into friendships and relationships looking for the acceptance, unconditional love ,nurturing, support, understanding and because your heart still hurts from the family stuff no relationship is ever right. It might effect your career, seeking something your heart was missing. Radio provided family, love, support, fun, escape from pain at an extreme level. I know in my core it was because part of me was missing that I poured myself into my work and into the public arena.

Call it maturity but I used to be so embarrased and ashamed at the inability of my family to coexist, respect each other, love each other, listen to each other and simply strive to get along. I didn't have the Hallmark family or Walden Pond perfection and I was crazy enough to think that out here in the world those families were real. Real families don't always see eye to eye or always get along. People no matter who they are, are going to hurt you and usually without even realizing it. I say this now because I put no blame or hard heart on my family they are all just people. I also realize the love and acceptance I was always looking for in someone and everyone else I have to give to myself. So now my dirty little secret is no longer a secret, I come from imperfection and that keeps me humble,compassionate and grounded.

I look forward to having a family one day and I look forward to loving them unconditionally, accepting them, celebrating them and believing in them.

Thanks for listening to my heart! I would love to hear about how you have dealt with family drama, lessons you've learned and ways you keep your family together?

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