November is upon us which means hunters from across North Dakota are preparing for another, hopefully successful, season.

Hunting is a very popular sport but it can be dangerous if hunters are not responsible and cautious. Here are some helpful tips before you venture out on a hunting excursion.

  1. Check weather reports.
  2. Tell someone where and when you will be hunting.
  3. Be familiar with the area you are hunting.
  4. Be prepared for the worst possible conditions.
  5. Dress appropriately, should you be wearing orange?
  6. Check hunting equipment before and after each hunt.
  7. Carry an extra set of dry clothing.
  8. Have a first aid kit.
  9. Clearly identify your target before shooting.
  10. Plan out your hunt by putting it in writing.
  11. During deer season, avoid wearing white or tan.

If you are not hunting but find yourself in an area where hunters are present, follow these precautions:

  1. Wear bright colors.
  2. If you have a dog with you, make sure they are dressed in a bright color as well.
  3. Make noise by whistling, singing, or carrying on a conversation.
  4. Be courteous. Once a hunter knows you are there do not do anything to disturb the wildlife.
  5. Be aware of hunting season if you enjoy hiking or bike riding.
  6. Know your comfort level.

Have a safe, fun and successful hunting season!

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