Once-Popular Arts and Crafts Store to Close Several LocationsOnce-Popular Arts and Crafts Store to Close Several LocationsThe chain exited bankruptcy last year, but it looks like some stores might close. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Iconic Brand Once Sold at Home Parties May File For BankruptcyIconic Brand Once Sold at Home Parties May File For BankruptcyThe brand has been around for nearly 80 years!Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Bismarck Should Be Concerned That Kohl’s Is Up For Sale.Bismarck Should Be Concerned That Kohl’s Is Up For Sale.Is it another empty Gordman's type building in Bismarck's future? Scott McGowanScott McGowan
Owner of Two ND Malls Filing Bankruptcy ProtectionOwner of Two ND Malls Filing Bankruptcy ProtectionThe Dakota Square Mall and the Kirkwood Mall will remain open and operating.Kori BKori B
Payless Is Trying To Make A ComebackPayless Is Trying To Make A ComebackPayless ShoeSource is coming back after filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.Kori BKori B
‘Girls Gone Wild’ Files for Bankruptcy After Losing Its Shirt in a Slew of Lawsuits‘Girls Gone Wild’ Files for Bankruptcy After Losing Its Shirt in a Slew of LawsuitsThe DVD company that revolves around exploiting drunk barely-legals and their naked boobies, 'Girls Gone Wild,' has officially filed for bankruptcy.Cassandra RoseCassandra Rose