When was the last time you were unemployed? Whether you were laid off, or maybe you decided to go to another career direction, that happens quite a bit. For me, doing what you absolutely love to do is such a reward. I've worked in jobs before where every single second was sheer agony. So the key to life personally is taking self-pride in "giving it your all" EVERY day at work. I find it hard to imagine the terrifying feeling of NOT having a job. According to KFYRTV Job Service North Dakota reports many businesses across the state are struggling to hire back workers. Now that could be because of several reasons -  some may point a finger at available benefits.

                  Business owners are actually having a difficult time landing new employees - Federal aid has been available to those receiving unemployment benefits - so if that's a comfortable thing for many out-of-work people, then what's the rush to get back at it? In fact, some local businesses are even having people show up for a job interview. "So far, we’ve had 24 applications on that site. And, we’ve had 24 no-hires and 24 no-shows,”  Peacock Alley owner Dale Zimmerman said.

 In North Dakota, unemployed workers must make a minimum of three job contacts a week to keep receiving benefits. Zimmerman went on to say that basically, "Businesses are competing against the Federal Government" - they are literally paying people to STAY at home. Peacock Alley is feeling the shortage of employees, operating hours have been cut back, events have been canceled, and losing revenue. Hopefully, in the near future, those that really want to work will see to their advantage excellent opportunities around Bisman. Only time will tell.


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