Bismarck Larks Youth Baseball Camp was a Hit with the Kids
This past Saturday, the kids at the Bismarck Larks Youth Baseball Camp had a blast with the Larks players and coaches.
The Larks, along the Optimist Club of Bismarck and Sanford POWER worked together to host more than 75 kids at Bismarck Municipal Ballpark for the camp.
The baseball camp was for kids, ages 9 to 15. Throughout the afternoon, the kids were taught fundamental and professional baseball skills demonstrated by Larks players and coaches, including hitting drills, a hitting competition, fielding drills, and pitching drills.
The participants also received a Larks-Optimist Club t-shirt, Bismarck Larks cap, lunch, tickets to a Larks game, and recognition at the game. There was also an autograph session with the Larks players and coaches that concluded the event.
The Larks players seem to have as much fun as the kids were having throughout the camp. "It's about making these kids better and it's fun for us to be a part of that," said Larks outfielder Scooter Bynum.
The camp's participants came from all over for the event, not just the Bismarck-Mandan area. Some kids came from Beulah, Jamestown, and also small towns just north of Minot.
Jax from HOT 97.5 was also on site for interviews with coaches, players, and participants throughout the event and also provided some music and prizes for some of the lucky participants. Check out some of the pics below from the camp.
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