Bismarck-Mandan’s Favorite ‘Billy Madison’ Quotes
This past Monday was the 25th anniversary of the classic 90's comedy Billy Madison. Did I really just call movie from the 1995 "classic"? Yikes. Well, I just had to make a Facebook post about the best quotes from the movie, and you delivered. I was cracking up at the comments and GIFs the entire day.
Here's the original question:
The movie 'Billy Madison' turned 25 yesterday. What is your favorite line from the movie (or any Adam Sandler movie)???
The comment section started off strong with a quote from I still hear people say in 2020 - "Stop looking at me, swan!"
Then, someone posted a GIF of when Billy went to school and made fun of one his third grade classmates. I've been guilty of saying this to slowpokes - "T-T-T-TODAY, JUNIOR!"
This next one is pure gold - Audrey and this guy went as Billy Madison and the penguin he imagines. SIde note: I hope this costume won every contest that year.
Always remember that O'Doyle Rules.
Part of my question mentioned all Adam Sandler quotes, and someone posted this gem from Big Daddy:
Then, we got back to quotes from Billy Madison. Check out other people's favorite quotes below:
Do you have any other favorite quotes?
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