Bismarck/Mandan Get Ready For Another Crosstown Brewdown!!
Here comes another story about- BEER! Yup, after writing this story about North Dakota coming in fourth place nationwide in respects to beer consumption per capita. I thought- how can we make our way up that chart and at least unseat Vermont in the #3 position?
Simple, encourage people to drink more beer in an effort to feed hungry children in the area. Brilliant! But it wasn't my idea- I'm just telling y'all about it.
The Crosstown-Brewdown is a competition between multiple Bismarck/Mandan breweries in an effort to have a little friendly fun while raising money for the United Way's backpack program. Learn more about the program here.
The Area Breweries involved are Buffalo Commons, Gideon's, Dialectic, Bird Dog, and Bismarck Brewing Company- clicking on any of those names will take you to their individual websites for more info and directions.
It seems these five breweries have decided to create the same type of beer and once a month they'll see who sells the most. Seems it's pretty successful as last month all five sold out within 24 hours. Which is fantastic as 50% of the proceeds go to benefit the backpack program.The program provides food for school kids over the weekends. No more kids need to worry about being hungry when they go home. But, what about when there is no school? Well, the United Way partners with Bismarck/Mandan schools for a free lunch program. I wrote up a story on that a few weeks back- if you're looking for dates, times, and locations for the free lunch program just click here
Friday June 12th is the start of this month's competition- don't worry if you start late or completely miss out- the next round is coming in July and it's bound to be delicious.