‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Season 9 and More Leaked By HBO Hackers
Game of Thrones may have kept “Eastwatch” mostly under wraps, but other high-profile HBO releases are still under siege. Not only have hackers released new Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes, but also current comedies and some upcoming debuts.
Variety reports that HBO hackers have made public another round of pilfered data; this time including several October Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 9 episodes, along with new Insecure, Ballers, James Franco’s The Deuce, and Bill Hader’s as-yet-unpromoted hitman comedy Barry. HBO issued a response to the latest leaks maintaining their position:
We are not in communication with the hacker and we’re not going to comment every time a new piece of information is released. It has been widely reported that there was a cyber incident at HBO. The hacker may continue to drop bits and pieces of stolen information in an attempt to generate media attention. That’s a game we’re not going to participate in. Obviously, no company wants their proprietary information stolen and released on the internet. Transparency with our employees, partners, and the creative talent that works with us has been our focus throughout this incident and will remain our focus as we move forward. This incident has not deterred us from ensuring HBO continues to do what we do best.
It was previously reported that HBO attempted to buy time by paying the hackers $250,000 of their demands, though it isn’t clear if any subsequent releases will influence HBO to pay a full ransom. Leaks are likely to continue, so stay tuned for the latest.
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