Over the years, household items and other necessities have gotten more and more expensive. The struggle is absolutely real. On occasion, to save a buck or two, many of us shop at North Dakota dollar stores.

We Love A Good Deal

North Dakotans love being thrifty and finding the best deals on products and items we need. That said, there are some things you should avoid buying at dollar stores.

Lucky for you, I've put together a list to help you determine which deals aren't the best.

There are some items you buy from these stores where you will save money, and it's a total score. For other items, sadly, you get exactly what you pay for.

Let's take a look at what items those may be.

10 Things You Should Never Buy From A North Dakota Dollar Store

Avoid these items at all 'costs'.

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

Good Things To Buy From A Dollar Store

While it might sound like I discouraged you from buying almost everything from a North Dakota dollar store, that's not the case. There are several things that you could/should buy from one of these stores.

Greeting cards are always a good thing to pick up at a dollar store, along with gift bags, wrapping paper, small home decor items, pillows, party favors, throw blankets, candy, and coloring books. --These are all great things to pick up from one of these discount stores.


What do you think about this list? Are there other things people should avoid when shopping at a dollar store? Have you found any awesome deals at one of these stores recently? Let us know by sending us a message in the app.


8 Annoying Things North Dakotans Do At The Grocery Store

Here's what we need to stop doing.

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

LOOK: Here are 25 ways you could start saving money today

These money-saving tips—from finding discounts to simple changes to your daily habits—can come in handy whether you have a specific savings goal, want to stash away cash for retirement, or just want to pinch pennies. It’s never too late to be more financially savvy. Read on to learn more about how you can start saving now. [From: 25 ways you could be saving money today]

Gallery Credit: Bethany Adams


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