Relief From Lethal Heat Now Offered In ND
If you're classified as low income and have medical needs or are elderly- a breath of COOL air could come your way.
This may not affect you, but it could bring relief to a friend or family member. I'd think it's fair to say the extreme heat we've already experienced is just the start of a long hot summer. Shoot, summer doesn't even start 'til Sunday. When Bismarck soared to 106 degrees, I heard a number of people refer to it as the "hottest day of the year" and they were implying it wouldn't get hotter than that! Which is an odd statement to make in JUNE. Well hopefully it doesn't get THAT hot again, but I'm sure it's gonna try like hell.
Well North Dakota is offering a cooling assistance program for qualifying lower income households. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is geared towards adults over age 60, and individuals with medical conditions that put them in danger in extreme heat. So if your household makes 60% or less of the state median income, you may qualify. According to the ND Department of Commerce, a household of two would qualify with a combined income up to $41,118.
If you're 60 or older you don't need a note from your doctor, but if you're younger, there needs to be a signed statement from a physician or nurse stating that your condition requires you to keep cool.
I can testify to what a difference a new air conditioner can make- my girl Brenda and I were sweating it out during the last big heat wave. Running our old air conditioner was probably generating more heat that we were cooling. So we got a newer bigger air conditioner and now I don't feel bad turning on the TV. The TV had actually ran warm enough to overwhelm the A/C! So sometimes it's a simple fix.
Even better for you if it's free!
Find out if you qualify for a new air conditioner or possibly air conditioner repair with the costs covered by the program. You should find everything you need by clicking right here...
Last year nearly 200 North Dakota households qualified. Seeing as we just go a cool $1 billion deposit in the state's checking account, we should be able to provide plenty of air conditioning for those that need them the most.
Of course, good luck finding them at the stores- they're kind of a hot seller.
Stay cool. y'all