Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson and More Weigh in on Weinstein Allegations
Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson and More Weigh in on Weinstein Allegations
Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson and More Weigh in on Weinstein Allegations
Every day, more women step forward to join the growing chorus of those who were sexually assaulted or harassed by Harvey Weinstein. The famed Hollywood executive has been accused of abusing his power to victimize dozens of women, but each new, horrible story is matched by another celebrity essay or social media post denouncing Weinstein and offering support to the (seemingly) countless number of women who survived him. We can now add Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, Ryan Gosling (and more) to the list of their supporters.
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but SNL’s David S. Pumpkins and Alec Baldwin’s Trump both debuted in the same season. I know! Things kind of took a turn after November 8, but Tom Hanks’ delightfully bizarre Halloween character debuted only two weeks prior, and now gets his very own Season 42 sendoff. Meet David S. Pimpkins!

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