Where Should We Put The New Bismarck PD Building?
I live in South Bismarck so I'm painfully aware that everything that's being added to Bismarck goes up north. Except the Chick-Fil-A, suck it North Bismarck! Although it ain't here yet so I shouldn't be so boastful.
The Bismarck Tribune cracked a story about the Bismark City Commission considering a quarter cent sales tax increase to relocate the Bismarck Police Department. Now, we may remember in June of 2020, the citizens of Bismarck throttled Bismarck Parks and Rec's proposal for a half cent sales tax at the polls. Wasn't even close, Bismarck shot it down with over 60% of voters opting against the sales tax increase.
But that was pickle ball. This is the Police Department.
To fully fund the move, the city would need to finance a bond by either raising the mill levy or bringing a quarter-cent sales tax increase to voters.
Mill levies are already on the way up for the area, but that's the cost of maintaining a city. So says Mayor Steve Bakken (Full disclosure, I also work with the guy)
"After our last budget discussion, what we're looking at, I have a hard time swallowing under any circumstances increasing mills for this,"
But, in the Trib article, things seem to have that "it's gonna happen regardless" angle. Bis Parks wish they could figure out how that works. The next chance for voters to give their opinion is 2022. But in a good intentioned way, Finance Director Dmitriy Chernyak cites current low interest rates and the rising cost of building materials. So y'know lets march on with the process because it would be foolhardy to wait.
So it would be prudent to do your due diligence...again from the Tribune
The commission voted Tuesday night to have city staff begin looking for a piece of property for the police department, and Commissioner Greg Zenker said any land acquired could be an asset.
Unless of course you buy land in South Bismarck.
Am I wrong? I don't know the cycle of Bismarck real estate dealings that left the south side industrial along with the airport and U of Mary. Meanwhile, the north side get's everything else except of course the Chick-Fil-A.
So where in North Bismarck should the new Bismarck Police HQ be located...your thoughts?
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