Wildflowers that will have you saying ‘Ouch!’ in North Dakota
From afar road tripping in North Dakota, one might see these large purple flowers from time to time... They might even appear pretty at first glance. Having traveled many parts of the United States, glimpses of these have even been spotted in flower beds.
Close and personal - We think not! Touch one once, we dare you... In the future, you'll never want to do so again!
Beware Hiking!!!
No Shoes, No Pants, Plan for Pain! The Canadian Thistle and Bull Thistle are two evil perennials' names of purple plants seen on our prairie plains. Their beauty from afar might lure you in, rest assured one brush with its sharp, spiny, jagged, viper-like leaves - you will yell Ouch! or possibly a few other words of color!
Flowerbeds Beware - It's Against The Law In North Dakota! Yes - You read that right, this vicious razor-sharp plant that may be a show stopper from a distance is not allowed in North Dakota. It is listed on the Noxious Weed list and a fine can be assigned for not taking action to eradicate it.
According to North Dakota Century Code 4.1-47-02. Control of noxious weeds. 1. Each person shall do all things necessary and proper to control the spread of noxious weeds. 2. No person may distribute, sell, or offer for sale within this state a noxious weed. This means it is Against The Law.
Noxious weeds are no joking matter. They are invasive, meaning take over quickly, and are hard to kill. The Canadian Thistle for example is nothing livestock or wildlife will forage upon. Thus this pretty, at first glance, quickly ruins pastures.
Think you'll sneak by... Just a little heads up too, in case you're thinking no one will know. Read this bit direct from the North Dakota Century Code 4.1-47-03. Noxious weed control - Agriculture commissioner - Powers. The commissioner may enter upon any land in the state to perform duties and to exercise powers under this chapter, including taking specimens of weeds or other materials, without the consent of the landowner or other person responsible for the land and without being subject to any action for trespass or damages, provided reasonable care is exercised.
Need help getting rid; contact your local county weed control board division. Every county in the state of North Dakota has one. For more information: Morton County Weed Control is located in Mandan, can call (701) 667-3389 and Burleigh County Weed Control is located in Bismarck, can call (701) 934-0088.
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