A Minnesota State Employee Forced To Be “he” Or “she”
Are you confused by the headline of this story?
I don't blame you, let me try and make some sense here. According to the Inforum "A Minnesota government employee has filed a formal complaint against the state over being forced to identify as male or female" In other words, those are the only two options that here employer is offering. Inforum continued "What Kristin Brietzke wants is a third option beyond “female” or “male”: “X” — which became available on Minnesota driver’s licenses beginning in 2018"
There are some people that do not want to be labeled a certain gender
This is obviously one of those cases, where someone wants to neither be referred to as a male or female. This is nothing new to the State of Minnesota by the way. Inforum talks about the fact that since 2018, you can actually go by "X" on your driver's license. We are seeing some of the same kind of things through corporations. A quick example, some e-mails from companies have a preferred "He/Him" or a "She/Her" on them.
Some states are trying to catch up with today's society
Kristin has said that she has been an advocate for those not wanting to be recognized as either gender. Some states are trying to do their best to adapt to what's becoming more and more common as far as sexual preference in employees. According to Inforum "Brietzke — who describes themself as “nonbinary and gender-fluid … meaning my idea of gender changes over time” does admit that mistakes happen, as people are getting used to "respecting those who identify as neither male nor female. As of today's date, the HR for her state had not reviewed her complaint yet.
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