There is an event that's happening THIS Sunday that needs to have the word put out for all to hear - Prodigal Party is taking place at the MDU Community Bowl - Bismarck State College. This is all because of a wonderful idea by Nick Choukalos. He is sharing his 41 years of sobriety and his goal to have our community get together - to unite - to reach out to broken people that could use some encouraging words and know that there are people and resources available. This terrific all-day event - 11:00 am to 11 pm - features Johnny Vincent, Chad Taylor, Prophetikos, Tony Hoffman, and Ryan Ellis - with a special invitee - The Holy Spirit!

Nick and some wonderful people created a GoFundMe to help pay for the bands, speakers, hotels, food, and transportation.

The Prodigal Party will take place at the Bismarck Community Bowl
This free concert is to reach the lost. We want the addicts, the homeless, the down and out to come and feel welcomed.
We also want believers to be part of this, by donating and coming if they can.
We also will be having the Adopt-A-Block food truck there that day, giving out food to whoever needs it.
                     There will something for everybody this Sunday - Most importantly though, the whole day will be filled with positive people spreading the word that "It is possible to change your life" - The past is the past - it's time to believe in yourself and let good people help you. Here is an example of some of the entertainment that will be on Sunday -

For more information - Nick Choukalos 701-220-6121

If you can't make it, but still want to help - you can make donations to:

  Prodigal Party                      Prodigal Party

           1018 N. 2nd St                     Dakota Community Bank

           Bismarck, ND 58501            1727 State St

   Bismarck, ND 58501  


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