Sorry, about the headline,,,but Socialism right?

I know it's supposed to be "Socialism- left"?

Silly conversation.

City of Bismarck does the right thing and I can only hope private companies that have the resources will do something similar.  The Bismarck Tribune in a snappy piece of reporting, have a story explaining how Bismarck city employees will be able to take 12 WEEKS OFF under certain conditions.

The Bismarck City Commission at a meeting Tuesday adopted the terms from the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The city previously adopted parts of the act providing paid sick leave to employees who test positive for COVID-19 or are in quarantine for the virus. The commission also approved the option for flexible or remote work for employees.

I just wrote up an article on "pod and hub based learning".  It may be the last viable prospect for so many parents that are facing hybrid A/B student schedules and kids that will be back at home on weekdays.

It seems that the Bismarck City Commission approved a plan that would provide 12 weeks of paid sick leave to those affected by the virus.  But, in my reading, it also qualifies those affected by the virus. There is the option for "flexible or remote work for employees".  In changing times, this should allow city employees to adjust their schedule to meet their kids schedules when needed.  Sounds like an admirable plan.  Now, as reported, wages for these "sick days" would be at two-thirds their normal pay.

But, isn't that a better option, than so many other parents are currently facing with their employers?

Kids that are being sent home on certain days and guardians that need to watch over them.

I don't have solutions, but I applaud the Bismarck City Commission for making difficult days much easier.

I also applaud the Bismarck Tribune story that you'll find by clicking here.

stay safe y'all.

Good Advice for Moving to Bismarck Mandan


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