Bismarck State College Has Top Rated Nursing Program in ND
Out of 11 nursing schools in North Dakota, the Bismarck State College nursing program was at the top of the rankings as compiled by Registered Nursing.
The annual rankings from exam-rates from all nursing programs that are registered.
The director of the BSC nursing program, Annie Paulson, told KFYR that every year draws growing interest as up to 40 applicants are accepted. The accelerated program takes 11 months for a licensed practical nurse and two semesters for a registered nurse.
Paulson expressed the importance of expanding the BSC nursing program to KFYR:
Generally, we don't want to turn away applicants. There is such a huge nursing shortage in our state, that our goal is to get those qualified applicants into our program. So we're working very hard on getting creative so we can continue to expand our program
There are also opportunities for students in clinical practices.
To learn more about the BSC nursing program, you can do so by clicking here.