Here are the area schools that beginning Tuesday 4/12/22 will be siding on the cautious side. This is ever-changing as this is only posted at 8PM Monday 4/11/22. From the Bismarck Public Schools Facebook page...

Due to the impending snowstorm projected to arrive tomorrow morning, there will be no face-to-face or virtual school on Tuesday, April 12th.


We will continue to monitor the weather and make announcements for Wednesday and/or Thursday at a later time.


BPS did send student computers home in preparation for potential virtual learning days if necessary.


The weather forecast for Wednesday does not look much better than what we expect tomorrow; however, we will continue to monitor the weather with hopes that we can all dig out and return to work as soon as possible.


Staff will receive correspondence with additional information at a later time. Please stay warm and stay safe.

From the Mandan Public Schools Facebook page...

Due to the impending weather, Mandan Public Schools will be closed Tuesday, April 12th. All after school activities are cancelled.
Administration will be keeping a close eye on the weather this week and will notify parents and staff of any additional closures or cancellations. Stay safe!

Other area/regional school closing announcements as of 8:00 PM can be found right here on KXNET.


Odds are your school is on that list.  Some have only conceded Tuesday and are maintaining a wait-and-see attitude.  Other schools are extending the cancellation through Wednesday.  Some at this early juncture are already surrendering Thursday.  Again, check that the KXNET link often, your school's bound to get on there soon.

"Historic" weather is the worst kinda weather

Anytime the word "historic" is thrown around in regards to upcoming weather, it's prudent to have some respect for the chaos it can cause.  I'll be the last person to fault those that want to take precautions to minimize student transportation issues. That's a lot of moving parts.

We should first be grateful if this turns out to be a "chicken little" scenario. If in fact, the sky does fall to the tune of 24 inches of snow, we should be prepared.

If it doesn't we should be relieved.

But go ahead and say it...we could use the moisture.


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