Colossal Convoy BLOCKS North Dakota’s Pembina Border Crossing
Seriously? Canada, I thought we were pals.
What about our mutual love of plaid shirts and Bryan Adams? What about Mackintosh's toffee and an ice-cold Molson? These Canadian convoy folks must be from British Columbia or Ottawa or else they'd know that more than anyone North Dakotan's dislike mandates, politicians, mainstream media, restrictions, and over-reaching governments. Do you know what else North Dakotans don't like?
North Dakotans don't like long detours or mayonnaise on our french fries.
My Dakotan is reporting that by 7 AM Thursday morning the port of entry at Emerson Manitoba and Pembina, North Dakota had been blockaded on the Canadian side of the border for both southbound and northbound traffic.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police confirmed the blockade in both directions and are urging motorists to use alternative ports of entry. Pembina/Emerson is one of three 24-hour ports of entry on the North Dakota border with Canada.
In the neighborhood of one thousand trucks pass through this port of entry on any given day. They and other border-crossing traffic will have to make their way to Dunseith or Portal our state's other two 24-hour ports.
Okay, convoy we're sympathetic to your point...now go bug liberal Minnesota eh?
There have been reports the convoy is a mile-long convoy or others talk of 50 semi-trucks involved in the blockade. How long are they planning to stay? Well the RCMP recognizes their rights to peacefully protest and as long as they do not restrict Manitobans rights to obtain emergency service. So how long would these Canadian squatters continue to park out on the high prairie? Back to My Dakotan...
Canadian truckers are protesting federal government COVID 19 vaccine mandates. Spokespersons for the demonstrators in Ottawa say they are staying put until all mandates across Canada are lifted.
I reckon that refers to those demonstrators "in Ottawa" as I'm sure there are more restaurants in the capital city than there are in Emerson, Manitoba. So stick around a few days if ya like...just want you to understand that here in North Dakota, we already get your point. Maybe though you make it a little more kid-friendly?
I actually kinda like the look of this next one...
So our northern neighbors have been pushed to the point of vulgarity which is a shame because they used to be so friendly. If you feel jealous because the Canadians are having all the protest fun, don't fret because beginning March 4th the Peoples Convoy will depart from Indio California traveling to Washington DC. Check out that story here.
March 4th still gives you plenty of time to come up with clever convoy signs!
Origin Of North Dakota City Names Volume 11
Origin Of North Dakota City Names Volume 9
Origin Of North Dakota City Names Volume 10
Origin Of North Dakota City Names Volume 8
Origin Of North Dakota City Names Volume 7
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