Here is another dramatic video that leads to a shooting death by the Minneapolis Police

Every video of a police action that leads to a shooting death can be slowed down, freeze-framed at a certain moment, and analyzed a trillion times over. The video shows a definite reason why the Minneapolis police SWAT team opened fire. That's not the controversial part, the 'No Knock' warrant is what has caused quite a stir, as suspect Amir Locke was shot and killed in his apartment last Wednesday morning. The video is short and you can see the police opening the door with a key and directly heading into the living room. Locke was underneath a blanket asleep on his own couch. One of the officers kicks the furniture, and as Locke attempts to get up, he has a gun in his hand, and that's when he is shot to death.

This case has fueled the fire of people who claim that a 'No Knock' warrant only escalates it into a higher risk situation

According to "St. Paul police applied for a standard search warrant for the predawn raid in downtown Minneapolis that ended in the shooting death of Amir Locke, but were overruled by Minneapolis police, who wanted to carry out a no-knock operation..." The search warrants were reported "...looking for a homicide suspect who was apparently located at the building where the shooting took place" reported. Some legal gun rights groups have said that the 22-year old acted legally and had a right to arm himself in the apartment, which turned out to be his relative's place. Another tragic shooting erupted in just seconds.

WCCO-CBS Minnesota YouTube

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