Friday is Take Your Pet to Work Day
Friday could arguably be the best work day of the year if people go about the day correctly.
The Friday after Father's Day is always Take Your Pet to work according to the National Days Calendar (which is based out of Mandan).
Today, the pet company Purina released their first ever "Pets at Work Report" that says that people who bring their pets to work have lower stress levels by the end of the day.
According to a survey by Purina, 20 percent of workers bring their dog to work daily while 19 percent bring their cats to work daily.
Many perspective employees say they would be much more willing to work at a company that was pet friendly. Check out the full results from the survey here.
Any employers who need some advice on being pet friendly can get tips at the Purina website. There are tips for employees as well.
Convince your boss to allow pets at work on Friday. If you are a boss, don't be a party pooper and let your employees take their pets to work.