Minot Bike Club Raising Money & Awareness For Suicide Prevention
I'm am basically the most basic "B" you will come across. So, I can't even pretend I know much about "Motorcycle/ Biker Culter." The only thing I know about it is what I have learned from my brother. Here's what I know: many bikers may look like tough and intimidating with their leather and bikes, but the ones I know and have met are actually important and meaningful members in our communities.
There are motorcycle clubs that are raising money and awareness for causes impacting the people in our state. Check out what one Minot bike club has done for suicide prevention in North Dakota below.
According to KX News, Northern Infidels MC in Minot presented a $3,000 check to the North Dakota Suicide Prevention Coalition in Bismarck on Tuesday (August 4). The news story says that the Northern Infidels raised the money last week in their annual bike ride for the cause. Get the full story about the charitable efforts of the Northern Infidels here.
The data I've found about suicide in North Dakota may be a little dated, but I am not sure how often statics like this are updated. But here is what I have found, according to SPRC.org:
- In 2015, 117 North Dakotans died by suicide
- Sucide is the ninth leading cause of death in North Dakota (overall)
- It's the second leading cause for people between 15 and 24 years old
- In 2015, 1,870 North Dakota residents called the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for help because of suicidal thoughts or actions
- Get more details about "The Burden of Suicide In North Dakota" here.
Thank you to Northern Infidels MC in Minot for bringing awareness and raising money for such a devastating issue in North Dakota.
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