This has to be one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life

The good and the very bad come with my job. Right now I'm about to share with you the absolute worst thing I have ever seen. My goal is for everyone that sees this to share it with as many people as you can possibly think. The more people who see this, the better chances someone may know something, anything.

This is from a post 19 hours ago on Facebook: WARNING The video is highly graphic and extremely disturbing. There is some foul language


Please spread the word on this, there has to be someone that knows something or heard about this. Any information at all can help.

Furry Friends Rockin' Rescue/Save The Kitty! Lost & Found Pets and other Facebook groups have shared this video. The post goes on to say that any information whatsoever about this matter should be relayed to the Rolette County Sheriff Department at 1-701-477-5623. The latest information so far is that 2-3 puppies survived and are being taken care of.

Looking at the video there are shotgun shells found on the side of the road

This is something 99% of us can't even imagine. Someone or some people gathered up these puppies with the sole intent of straight-up murder. Will the conscience of the killer who pulled the trigger wake up and realize how unbelievably cruel his or her act was? The scariest thing of all is that this person or persons are walking around engaged in life with no apparent guilt. Please share this and let's all hope that justice is served.

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