North Dakota Bikers Pose For A Calendar & Raise Money For Charity
I know we have all seen the police officer and fire fighter calendars, but have you seen the calendar featuring North Dakota motorcyclists? The "Not So Heavenly Bodies" calendar does not feature stereotypical heroes. Instead, it features heroes who dress in leather and drive bad-ass motorcycles.
Last year, a woman named Beth Nielsen teamed up some North Dakota bikers for a charity calendar photo shoot called "Not So Heavenly Bodies." According to KX News, the calendar was kind of a joke, so no one anticipated the attention that would come from this. The report says that only 100 calendars were made initially, but they ended up selling nearly 1,000. About $20,000 were raised for Heaven's Helpers Soup Cafe.
This past weekend, there was a fundraising event for the 2021 "Not So Heavenly Bodies" calendar. KX News says that the money raised this year will go to Sporting Chance - the charity lets disabled people have outdoor experiences at no cost to them. Some of the money will also go to a biker in the group who lost everything in a house fire last week. Get the details about the viral "Not So Heavenly Bodies" calendar here.
I have family members who are part of motorcycle communities, and I think it is truly amazing that these people who may look and seem "tough" have the softest hearts. Whether they're putting on charity drives, charity rides, or posing for a calendar, many North Dakota motorcyclists are always doing incredible things for people in need in our state.
Did you already purchase your 2021 "Not So Heavenly Bodies" calendar?