See Movies at the Theater for $10 a Month in North Dakota
It's pretty much the exact same concept as Netflix, but at the movie theater.
That concept being, for only $9.95 per month, you can watch as many movies as you want at the theater for roughly the same cost as a single movie ticket. Customers can attend one movie per day at any theater in the country accepting MoviePass. Even if you were to see just one movie per month, the monthly cost would cover your ticket price (does not include 3D or IMAX showings).
Mitch Lowe, a co-founder of Netflix and former Redbox president, is the CEO of the company and had the idea of the low monthly fee concept for as many movies as you can see in one month's time (once per day). Movie Pass has been around since 2011 at a much higher cost, but now with continued revenues struggles at the box office, the company looks to generate sales.
Apparently, MoviePass will still pay theaters the full price for every movie ticket. With the chance of losing money, while subsidizing people's movie habits, it could be tough to see how exactly their business plan might work. Luckily, Bloomberg was able to describe much of their plan at this link.
You can sign up for the MoviePass plan at the new rate of just $9.95 per month at the MoviePass site, which as of the time this was written, was being slammed with heavy traffic, or you can download the app on iOS or Android and sign up for a new subscription. The service is already applicable at 91% of movie theaters nationwide, so yes, it's here in North Dakota as well.