Should Governor Burgum Issue A Shelter-In-Place Mandate?
We've been asked to be "North Dakota Smart," and stay at home, socially distancing ourselves from others. School's out, many businesses are closed, we can only grocery shop, order take-out, and play outside (six-feet apart AND when the weather isn't acting up). It's not easy to adjust to this "simpler" lifestyle, but we're trying to effectively combat the spread of Coronavirus. Are we doing enough in North Dakota?
North Dakota is one of five states that has no shelter-in-place mandate. According to USA Today, 38 states have are in complete lock-down, seven states have at least one city in lock-down, and five states have no lock-down mandates. Some North Dakotans believe that Governor Burgum should order a mandatory shelter-in-place for our state.
A woman named Denise French started a petition on, asking that the governor issue a mandate, forcing people to stay home. As of Monday, April 6, 2020, the petition, Governor Doug Burgum to Order Mandatory Shelter-in-Place, has 3,570 signatures. The petition is rapidly moving towards it 5,000 signature goal.