Should Hunting with Snare Traps be Illegal in North Dakota?
If your pet is lost, you can only hope they are safe until you find them. Sadly, not every pet makes it home alive. One North Dakota family recently discovered that their family dog suffered a slow, agonizing death, after going missing.
According to Valley News Live (Fargo), a Meckinock family's Yellow Lab, Lucy, lost her life in a grisly manner. Lucy was caught in a snare trap that was planted by the river that runs through the family's property; and she frozen to the ice surrounding the trap. The news report says that the family searched their 16-acre property, only to find Lucy's body one day later, 200 yards from her home. Now, North Dakota Game and Fish has gotten involved to investigate the circumstances surrounding Lucy's tragic death. Get the full story from Valley News Live here.
I have a general idea about snare traps, but after looking deeper into what exactly this hunting practice is, it makes me wonder why snare traps are legal. According to AAA Animal Control, snare traps do not catch the intended pray about 40% of the time. On top of that, the animals that fall victim to snares do suffer.
The AAA Animal Control website reports that, when an animal is caught in a snare, it is stuck by whichever body part got caught by the trap until the hunter comes back to check the trap. That means that, if an animal tries to escape, it will injure itself in the process. It could also succumb to the elements, or be attacked by another animal.
What are your thoughts on using snare traps to hunt animals?