Should North Dakota Schools Shift To A Four-Day School Week?
Everyone is getting ready to go back to school, but many schools across the country are doing something a little different.
According to CBS, school districts all across the country are switching to four-day school weeks. The source claims nearly 900 school districts are going with a four-day week instead of five.
Why Is This Changing?
Like every industry struggling with staffing, many school districts are experiencing a teacher shortage. For some, the switch to a four-day week is a recruitment tactic. -- Shorter school week = a shorter work week. It's a sort of job perk. This, according to Axios.
How Does It Work?
Some schools opted to get rid of Fridays, while others chose Mondays. While a four-day school week sounds pretty nice, Axios found that many of the schools have longer hours during those fours days.
Overall, RAND.org found that even with the longer hours, losing the fifth day leads to less instruction over the course of a school year.
Unfortunately, the source found that, fewer hours in the classroom equates to lower test scores.
Another concern is child care. While teachers and students get an extra day off, mom and dad probably won't. This might force them to pay for child care.
That said, some schools have made it to where the school will be open for daycare, if you don't have childcare for that day off.
North Dakota
As of right now, there are a few schools in North Dakota that follow the four-day plan. Is this something more school districts should apply four?
Would you be in favor of a four-day school week for your kids?
If I were still a kid, I'd be screaming YES!
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Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne
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