SNL Featured A Mandan Woman’s Vintage Outfit
Every weekend, millions of people gather around their TVs for the late-night shenanigans on Saturday Night Live. If you watched SNL this past weekend, you may have spotted some local fashion. On February 8th, a Mandan woman's outfit from her Etsy store go to be "Live from New York."
Last week, executives from Saturday Night Live reached out to Jessica Just about one of her outfits. She was asked if she could overnight the outfit to New York for last Saturday's episode. So, she FedEx'd the outfit to New York for its SNL debut. She says the outfit they ordered was for a vintage business woman.
Jessica Just of Mandan has had a store on Etsy for over 10 years. In 2009, she launched her online vintage clothing boutique, Soul Rust. The vintage clothes span many eras throughout history. On Soul Rust, you can expect to find fashions that date all the way back to the Victorian Era, and going up through the 1990s.