Serious Brain Injury Leads to Mandan Woman’s Creation of Bracelet Business
In a matter of seconds, life can be dramatically changed forever. Whether the change is positive or negative, what you do with it can have a huge impact on your future. One Mandan woman's life-altering event led to the creation of a business and education opportunity!
Emily Montgomery suffered a serious brain injury from a car accident.
KX News met a woman named Emily Montgomery who is creating beautiful bracelets while she heals from a serious brain injury. According to KX News, Emily was in a major car accident while visiting family in North Carolina last summer. She spent time in therapy, where she was encouraged to make her now-popular bracelets.
Emily's therapy included making bracelets. Now, she created a whole business with the bracelets!
Emily told KX News that she was not confident she could string beads, let alone have a whole jewelry line. With the help and encouragement from friends, family, and therapy, Emily began making bracelets. What started out as therapy, has turned into a business and education opportunity for Emily! Read more about Emily Montgomery's incredible journey here.
As someone who has never been in a worse accident than a fender bender, I can't imagine what it would be like to go through such a traumatic event and recovering as a champion! Emily is a strong woman who is conquering life with her inspirational recovery and business. You can see her work on her Etsy and Instagram pages.
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