This Bismarck Restaurant Is Adding A Drive Up Window
You might notice some construction happening at Bismarck's North Applebee's. It appears as though the restaurant is adding a drive-thru pick up window.
It's Not Lazy
It's not lazy to use the drive-thru when you live in North Dakota. Why you ask? Because, duh, it gets super cold. The less time and fewer occasions we have to be outside in the brutally cold temps, the better. It's just not good for the soul.
If you're wondering why the restaurant decided to make the addition, well, to be quite honest, I'm wondering the same thing. I have no clue. I'd guess it's a bit of the cold thing, but I'd even speculate there might be a business model change on the horizon.
The pandemic changed how the restaurant industry operates. Many places are struggling to get workers, so dining areas are closing or operating with limited hours. With that being the case, wouldn't it make sense to just make a move and transition to takeout all the way?
I certainly can't say that this is what's happening here, but in any case, a hybrid model IS something other Applebee's restaurants have. It's maybe not so groundbreaking or thought-provoking, but hey I'm just thinking out loud here. Err...sorta. -- You know what I mean.
When Will It Open?
No word yet on when the drive-thru will be functional, but from the looks of it (ding) we won't be waiting long.
Question: Are there any restaurants in Bismarck-Mandan that you think should also be adding a drive up/drive-thru window?
Me, being shamelessly lazy: All of them.
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