Get ready for a new school year in the midst of a global pandemic. I think it is safe to say that none of us could have known the extent a virus would impact our lives.

On Monday (July 27), a draft of the potential North Dakota Smart Restart school year procedures for Bismarck Public Schools was released. It is 25 pages worth of information on how the school year might work for students, teachers, and families during the pandemic. There is information for both face-to-face learning AND for distance learning. KX News has a wonderful breakdown and outline of BPS's restart proposal. Check it out here. You can also check out the full copy of the proposal here.

From what I can tell, the proposed models for in-person learning are meant to be fluid and adjust based on an individual school's needs. The models show what a mostly face-to-face year would look like, and progress to what a mostly distance-learning year would look like. Of course, if students or faculty end up with COVID-19, steps would be taken in order to minimize/ stop spread to others in the school - that's why the models proposed are fluid. Parents do have the option for their child(ren) to distance-learn whether in-person school is held or not.

I can say that I am happy I don't have children because I can't imagine the uncertainty and uneasiness families must feel right now. How do parents and teachers help young students adjust to the "new normal" when they can't possibly comprehend what is happening? And how to parents and teachers help the older ones (who CAN comprehend) deal with whatever fears and uncertainties they may be facing this new school year?

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