In January 2021, convicted sex offender, Christopher Morrison, was caught on the roof of a Mandan house, peering into a child's window.

On the evening of January 13, 2021, a Mandan woman named Heather was getting dressed after a bath when her 11-year-old son, Jimi, ran into her room to tell her a man was looking into his window. When Heather asked Jimi how he knew someone was looking into his second-floor window, Jimi told his mom that he heard a noise, looked outside, and saw eyes looking back at him. Heather then looked out her window to see a man jump from the roof of her house to her camper.

Heather immediately sprang into action to protect her family. She grabbed her gun and ran outside, barefoot and coatless in January. Heather caught the man, convicted sex offender Christopher Morrison, on the roof of her camper and demanded he got on the ground. Heather quickly got the situation outside under control, but then, she had to wait and wait for nearby help to respond.

While Heather held Christopher Morrison at gunpoint, her son, Jimi called the Mandan Police.

While Heather was holding Christopher Morrison at gunpoint, Jimi called the Mandan Police. They assured him help would be at the house shortly and hung up with him. What should have been a fairly short response time (the family only lives five blocks from the police station), took 11 minutes. For 11 long minutes, Heather stood outside, holding Christopher Morrison at gunpoint, while her children waited inside.

Though they live five blocks from the police station, the family waited for help for 11 minutes.

While Heather was not afraid Christopher Morrison, she was praying he did not try to attack her in front of her children. She did not want the kids to see her get hurt or see the man get shot in self-defense. Thankfully, in those 11 minutes time, nothing terrible happened.

When the police did arrive, Heather says that Christopher Morrison was questioned near a tree, but her loaded handgun was not acknowledged. It was only after six minutes of questioning Heather that she was asked if the police could secure her firearm. Then, what came of the traumatic ordeal was disappointing.

Christopher Morrison was only charged with criminal mischief for damaging the roof of Heather's RV.

Christopher Morrison had only been out of prison for five days before he was caught, staring into a child's bedroom. But since there were no cameras to catch him on the roof of the house or lurking in Jimi's window, there were no charges filed against Morrison for those events. This is disturbing because there is proof that a sex offender was at a home (uninvited) where children lived - and that is on camera! He was only charged with criminal mischief for damaging the roof of the family's camper - something Heather still had to pay a $1,000 deductible on for $6,000-worth of damage.

While something like this would be traumatic for any family, Heather was prepared for anything when Christopher Morrison targeted her house. Heather attributes her quick reaction to training she got from Josette at Prairie Patriot Firearms. While she never imagined she would be in this situation, Heather knew what needed to be done that night.

Christopher Morrison failed to show up for his court date this month.

The latest information on Christopher Morrison is that he was supposed to show up to court for his criminal mischief charge on April 13, 2021 but failed to appear. So, he currently has a warrant for his arrest.

Here is video from the night Christopher Morrison was at Heather's house. The first two videos are of Christopher walking up to and on the property. He starts to come into the vision of the screen just before the 20:14:30 time mark:

This next video captures Christopher Morrison on the family's second camera. You can see him on screen around the 20:14:50 time mark.

This video shows Heather finding Christopher Morrison and holding him until the cops' arrival. Heather appears on-screen just before the 20:45:30 time mark.

This is a continuation from when Heather stopped Christopher Morrison to when the police arrived and questioned both of them.

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