Bennigan’s in Mandan is Opening this Summer
The Bennigan's restaurant franchise is making a comeback and soon, there'll be one open for business in Mandan.
The new Bennigan's will be located at 1506 27th St in Mandan near the Comfort Inn & Suites. The restaurant is still in the construction stage but they've set a tentative date for August 20th to open up for business, according to their Facebook page.
Bennigan's in Mandan is currently looking to hire for several positions including servers, bartenders, hosts, line & prep cooks, and dishwashers.
The restaurant franchise is making a comeback after they closed all restaurants throughout the U.S. back in 2008. However, they've opened up several locations since and in just over a month, a brand new one will be right near us.
From what I recall, the Bennigan's I've been to back in the day always had solid burger choices. Check out their full menu at the link here.
Of course, if you can't take my word for it, then just remember South Park's Butters episode when he spoke so highly of Bennigan's.
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