Bismarck High School On Lockdown: Updates
The Bismarck Police Department responded to an incident at Bismarck High School this morning, Thursday, March 2nd.
According to a local law enforcement officer, Mandan High School was also put on lockdown and it's possible that Grand Forks and Fargo went on lockdown as well.
Threatening Calls
Central Dakota Communications received a threatening call at 9:45 am this morning (Thursday, March 2nd) where an individual claimed to be an active shooter.
The call prompted immediate safety precautions and protocols; local law enforcement responded to ensure the safety of staff and students.
BPD and surrounding law enforcement agencies searched the high school for an active threat.
The threat was not deemed 'not credible' by law enforcement officials, and they believe there is no reason for concern.
We've also gotten word that threatening calls were made not only to North Dakota schools, but that this is a nationwide hoax.
We had someone near the scene who reported approximately 20 police cars at the school around10:42 am.
The public is being asked to refrain from from calling the Bismarck Police Department. They are also asking people to stay away from the school, and keep the roads clear for emergency services/responders.
People are also being asked to not try to communicate with people in the school at this time.
Keep checking back to this post for more updates.
Students were moved to a secure location at Bismarck High School.
"Parents will be notified when reunification may take place," Steve Koontz, BPS, Director of Community Relations.
An 'All-Clear' has bee given and everyone is safe. Authorities are calling this a hoax active shooter threat.
No active shooting took place at the school, and no shots were fired.
Bismarck Police continue to investigate the origins of the phone call.
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