Bismarck-Mandan Outdoor Pool Summer Hours and Prices
The end of the school year is right around the corner which means it won't be long before the kids are begging to go to the pool. So when does our Bismarck-Mandan pools open this summer?
An outdoor pool is the perfect way to cool off during the summer months. Luckily, the Parks and Recreation of both Bismarck and Mandan provide our area with some of the best pools in the state.
Here is a list of the local swimming pools including their open date and prices:
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Elks Aquatic Center
321 W. Broadway Ave, BismarckOpen: June 8th - August
Cost: $3.50/session, 11 months and younger are free
Season Patch: $75 or $100 with Hillside Waterslide
Hours: Monday - Thursday: 12 - 4pm; 4:30 - 8pm
Friday - Sunday: 12 - 7pm - 2
Hillside Aquatic Complex
Lions Park, 1719 E. Boulevard Ave, BismarckOpen: June 8th - August
Cost: $3.50/session, 11 months and younger are free
$5/session with Hillside Waterslide
Season Patch: $75 or $100 with Hillside Waterslide
Hours: Monday - Thursday: 12 - 4pm; 4:30 - 8pm
Friday - Sunday: 12 - 7pm - 3
Wachter Aquatic Center
205 Reno Avenue, BismarckOpen: June 8th - August
Cost: $3.50/session, 11 months and younger are free
Season Patch: $75 or $100 with Hillside Waterslide
Hours: Monday - Thursday: 12 - 4pm; 4:30 - 8pm
Friday - Sunday: 12 - 7pm - 4
Raging Rivers Waterpark
2600 46th Ave SE, MandanOpen: May 31st - August
Cost: Captain Day Pass (48" or taller): $15
Mate Day Pass (Less than 48"): $12
Senior Day Pass (62+): $12
Spectator Non-Swimmer Day Pass: $8
Age 3 and Under: Free
Twilite Rate (4-8pm): $10
Hours: 11am - 8pm Daily