Bismarck Woman Writes Empowering Book For Children With Disabilities
You may see the book "Are You Tiny?" on the shelves of our local "Ferguson Books" store along with a few other stores in North Dakota.
While you'll probably find the bright pink cover and cute illustrations intriguing, you might also find the story about the author interesting as well.
Meet Michelle
Michelle Farnsworth, a North Dakota native, is a fitness/nutrition influencer, mom, business owner, and now children's book author. She wrote the book after her son was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
Writing a book had been on Farnsworth's list of dreams for a long time, but once her son's diagnosis came back, she knew it was time.
"I have wanted to write a children’s book my entire adult life. I have started many different stories," said Farnsworth.
She wrote a book that would give other children with disabilities a sense of inclusion, pride, strength and empowerment.
"... And last summer this idea came to me about children with special needs. Inclusion and acceptance no matter what physical challenges," said Farnsworth.
"Are You Tiny?"
The book is about being happy with who you are. Readers are encouraged to love the fact that they are not the same, and embrace their unique qualities. This is a great message for kids, especially nowadays, with social media giving us an unrealistic idea/images of what is normal.
"It’s been thrilling to see it come to life!" said Farnsworth.
A Fulfilling Journey
Farnsworth says since she started working on the book back in 2021, it's been quite the journey. She said seeing her dream come to life and impact others has been fulfilling.
"A friend of mine sent me a video of her niece reading the book to her. It brought me to tears to hear her sweet voice reading it out loud. That’s what it’s all about," said Farnsworth.
Where To Get It
You can get “Are You Tiny?” at several bookshops throughout North Dakota such as, Ferguson Books (Fargo and Grand Forks stores), LunaNox Boutique, Lily Valley Baby, and Rustic Petals. The book can also be purchased on Amazon and WestBowPress.
What's Next?
Farnsworth says she is almost finished with her second book. She tells me it's another children's book about a baby gecko. Keep your eyes open, the book will be released very soon.
Ferguson's Celebration
Ferguson Bookstore is also celebrating something special; this weekend, Saturday, June 11th, marks the store's 12th year in business here in Bismarck. The owners plan to have a celebration throughout the day, where there will be prize drawings and giveaways.
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