The things we do for our pets, after all, they are part of our family. A Minnesota man's dog fell into a  water well, and as any owner would do, he quickly went to rescue the dog, and as luck would have it, the owner of the dog had to be rescued from the well.

This event happened Saturday (July 16th) in Courtland, MN in Nicolette County, just South of Minneapolis. The police were called to the scene when David Machau went to check the well according to police, It was at that point when one of his dogs fell into the well. Machau tried to use a rope to get the dog out.

He was able to rescue the dog but then was unable to climb out of the well using the rope. He was lucky enough to climb high enough to grab his cell phone and call for help to get out of the well.

Omar Havana / Getty Images
Omar Havana / Getty Images

The dog is fine and dandy, but Machau was taken to New Ulm Hospital for minor injuries.

Mr. Machau has a real dog story for the ages.





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