How Downtown Bismarck Has Changed Over The Past 18 Years
It's amazing how quickly things can change in our lives. We drive past the same buildings and businesses day after day, and when something changes, we don't think too much of it.
We're too close to it to see how drastically things have changed over the years.
Zoom Out
Let's zoom out of our daily lives and examine just how much things have changed over the past eighteen or so years.
Brace yourself; some of these photos may make you feel old.
Note: These photos date as far back as 2007 and were taken with Google Maps.
How Downtown Bismarck Has Changed
Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne
Wow, it's truly amazing how quickly things change.
Sometimes, change is hard to accept, so when I looked back at some of these pictures, I felt sad.
I really wish we still had those music stores and that breezeway was still there. I also noticed we used to have a lot more locally-owned clothing stores around Main St, which, being the clothes addict that I am, makes me long for the greater abundance of downtown shops. *Sad sigh*
While some businesses, like Zimmerman's Furniture and Peacock Alley, have remained the same over the years, other areas are almost unrecognizable.
Now, we have massive apartment buildings on the strip and more restaurants and bars.
Was there anything you were surprised to see? Is there anything you wish we still had in downtown Bismarck? Send us a message in the app and share your memories and thoughts on these places.
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