Fargo Woman to Give Letters in Lieu of Candy to Obese Trick-Or-Treaters
This year, some children in Fargo, North Dakota may get a bigger trick than treat when hitting the streets for trick-or-treating. That's because a woman in the city has decided to take a stand against childhood obesity, which on its face it's a noble effort. However, the method in which she is doing it is turning heads.
A woman by the name of Cheryl has decided to hand out letters in lieu of candy to children whom she feels are "moderately obese."
In an interview with Y94 in Fargo, she explained her decision for the letter:
I just want to send a message to the parents of kids that are really overweight. I think it's just really irresponsible of parents to send them out looking for free candy just 'cause all the other kids are doing it.
Take a look at the letter she plans on handing out to those she deems too heavy for candy:
You can listen to the interview with Y94 in its entirety here:
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