I used to wonder if my six-pound Yorkshire Terrier, Penelope, would be my hero if my house was under attack. I kind of thought I would have to be hers because, you know, she is only six pounds - tiny! But, she actually did surprise me when she tried to protect me from "danger" many years ago.

Here's what happened: I was at my parents' home, visiting them and my great uncle. It was a gorgeous day, so we were hanging out on the deck, when a man I'd never seen came into the yard. Penelope, who was terrified of stairs, FLIES down the deck steps to investigate the intruder. I ran after her and she kept herself between the man and me. It was just a friendly electrician from across the street. Penelope was all bark, no bite, but I was proud that my pup would risk her little life to save me.

So, that was no real threat, but one Minnesota family's dog went into harm's way to save his family. According to Valley News Live (Fargo) Monty, a one-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog stopped a car thief when the man got in the family's home.

The Olness family was in the process of locking down their house (as instructed by police) when the man got in. Well, Monty and the family's other dog went to investigate. When the thief was found, he made a run for it, but Monty - thinking the man was playing - chased and caught him. Check out the full story from Valley News Live here.

Has your pet ever rescued you from danger?

KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies

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