Which North Dakota City Will Be Home to the State’s First Bar & Dog Park?
In my lifetime, North Dakota has never been overly pet-friendly. Pet stores, dog parks, veterinary clinics, and grooming salons are really the only places dogs can publicly be. And a pet-friendly rental can be a rare find... I seriously find it funny that apartments advertise that they are "pet friendly" like they are offering up free HBO or something. But one North Dakota city is about to get the most pet-friendly facility in the state!
According to Inforum, Amanda Bodensteiner of Fargo is looking for a home for her new "bark and beer" concept business called Mutt's Pourhouse and hopes to be open in early 2022. In a Facebook post, Amanda announced that she is looking for a home for the bar and dog park. And people are loving the concept because, 48 hours after the original post, there was another post celebrating the fact that the page followers rose to 1,200 after - at the time of this post, there are about 1,600 followers.
One of my favorite parts about living in Colorado was just how pet-friendly the state was. I could take Penelope with me basically everywhere. I honestly was not concerned about finding a pet-friendly apartment and I could take Penelope shopping, to the bar, to the salon, anywhere! I even had a friend who always had her Shi-Tzu in her purse wherever she went.
I would love to be able to take my dog to more places, and I would love to see more people out-and-about with their dogs, too! I can't wait for a trip to Fargo to take Penelope to the bark park and bar.
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