North Dakotans Are Stingy When it Comes to Wedding Gifts
As we enjoy the warm weather months, we know that we are experiencing a time known as 'wedding season.'
And you know what wedding season means…wedding gifts! A wedding gift website known as Tendr just released information analyzing wedding gift spending habits.
According to the report, people seem to spend the most money on wedding gifts purchased in August with an average cost of $183. The least amount of money is spent in January presumably because people are receiving their bills from holiday spending at that time. In January, people spend an average of $121 on wedding gifts.
The report also breaks down the average amount of money each state spent on wedding gifts during the 2016 wedding season. And if you're planning to get married while having a bevy of guests from North Dakota, don't expect much.
North Dakotans spent among the least amount of money on wedding gifts. In surrounding states, Montana residents spent an average of $138 on gifts in 2016, while Minnesota spent an average of $101. South Dakotans spent $142.
North Dakota was among a handful of states that averages less than $100 on wedding gifts with residents of the Peace Garden State averaging just $86. But that's not as low as Arkansas where they spend just $73.
It makes sense for Arkansas though. That state has the highest rate of remarriages.
Check out more wedding gift spending data via Tendr.
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