Need something to binge-watch? North Dakota has not just one, but two favorite shows it's been streaming. recently researched what television shows that each state loves to watch based on the four most popular nationally used streaming services, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and HBO Go. North Dakota seems to be big fans of both Michael Scott and Coach Taylor.

According to the data, 'The Office' and 'Friday Night Lights' are the most streamed television shows in North Dakota. And why not? Both shows are very much binge-watch worthy.

Despite the fact that neither of those shows' setting is remotely near North Dakota (spoiler alert), we're still making good time to fit that in there (that's what she said). Michael Scott puns aside, there certainly are several states that stay regional with their shows, such as Colorado with 'South Park', Wisconsin with 'Making A Murderer', New York with 'Sex and the City', New Mexico with 'Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul', or Massachusetts with 'Cheers'. For the full map of what each state is watching, you can see it here.

Just remember, 'Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose', North Dakota! Happy binge-watching!

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