Single in Bismarck-Mandan?
Are you single in Bismarck-Mandan? Inside of our Radio station with myself included 5 of us are single.The #1 question we ask ourselves are where are the best places in town to meet people? It seems like everyone in town is either married,dating or has literally been together since they were 18. What's a single person, not from town to do? What if you want more than a one night stand or a bed buddy?
In the 2 and a half years I have lived here I feel like I have been everywhere in town you can imagine. I meet people all the time. I have dated two guys in this area and dated two guys who live in other parts of the country. I have met people in bars, randomly running errands and my friends have tried to set me up on blind dates.I don't like blind dates and I have never dated online. So help a girl and her single coworkers out?
Where do you think the best place is to meet single people in Bismarck-Mandan? Are there places to avoid? Are you newly single or divorced and find yourself back in the dating market, what's your single experience like?
In the name of love xoxoxo Mia