Six North Dakota Cities with Strange or Suggestive Names
Every state has city names that sound odd or even at times, unfortunate. We have some of those right here in North Dakota.
If you were to look at a full list of cities and/or towns in our state, it's pretty obvious that there are some city names that stand out right away. Here is a list of a few.
In the Urban Dictionary, the definition of 'Jud' is "Of or pertaining to any person, place, thing or idea that is contrary to established norms." Used in a sentence, "An adult male wearing shorts and sandals with socks is jud."
We're not saying anyone that lives there is of that description whatsoever. Of course, there are only about 73 total people there, so the chances of that are slim in this southeastern North Dakota town.
Mykola KomarovskyyMykola Komarovskyy Buttzville
It sounds exactly what it looks like. The name does at least. We can't confirm there is actually a population there. It's been considered a ghost town for awhile. There's even a chance the town could be haunted by more than just its unfortunate name.
Getty ImagesGetty Images Zap
The name makes you instantly remember the scenes when Adam West's 'Batman' would slug a henchman in the face in those crazy fight scenes, as a literal sound effect would appear on the screen, "ZAP!" But yes, there is a city in North Dakota called Zap.
In fact, the city website calls it, "The little town with a big heart." There seem to be quite a few recreational activities in Zap, as it is located just west of Beulah, and an hour and 25 minutes northwest of Bismarck.
LunaEmbroidery via EtsyLunaEmbroidery via Etsy Porcupine
With a city name like that, I was hoping that the town was crawling with the cutest spikey looking creatures known as porcupines. However, this is not the case.
Porcupine is about an hour due south of Bismarck and has a population of less thank 150.
Getty ImagesGetty Images Dickey
The literation is pretty obvious here. Dickey is in the southeastern corner of the state and is known for its hunting and fishing areas.
If you search the internet for it, you may also find results for R.A. Dickey of the Atlanta Braves or possibly Dickey's BBQ, which seems as though it may never open up in Mandan.
Chuck GeigerChuck Geiger Flasher
Flasher happens to be a part of the Bismarck-Mandan area within Morton County. A big event coming up for the town this summer is Summerfest 2017.
At the time of this post, we are unsure if there have been any cases of indecent exposure recorded in Flasher.
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