The yet to be released western film "Rust," which has undergone a year of both legal battles and considerable upheaval in the court of public opinion, will continue filming in Montana.
There are certain staples that will always be part of Hallmark Christmas movies. The list of such is almost too long already. But over the holiday break, I noticed a new one that is certain to happen in Every. Single. Hallmark. Christmas movie.
Everyone has seen movies so bad, they think they're good. Maybe that movie brings about a sense of comfort or nostalgia for some. North Dakota's favorite bad movie does neither for movie reviewers.
The 1990s brought us several great movies. It may have been the last decade before all the overdone reboots and sequels began reusing every creative idea ever thought of. And now we know what North Dakota's favorite 90s movie was.
Christmas is almost upon us and nothing puts you in the holiday spirit more than a festive Christmas movie and now we know what the most popular one is in North Dakota.
If you're staying in on this Halloween night and need a festive movie to watch, the most popular choice of a horror flick in North Dakota could be to your liking.
The Oscars are over, but it’s not too late to catch up with some of 2016’s most talked-about titles. But which ones are worth your time? That’s where our new series, On Demand With ScreenCrush, comes in. Every two weeks, ScreenCrush Editor-in-Chief Matt Singer joins you to recommend three handpicked films you can watch at home right now from Movies on Demand. These are big new releases you won’t find streaming on Netflix, and the choices run the gamut from indie favorites, to major blockbusters, to insightful documentaries, and everything in between — all available with your remote.