The Best ‘Beer Bar’ in North Dakota Has Been Picked By Voters
Rather than publications or a 'reviews based' website picking the '2017 Greater American Beer Bar in North Dakota', this time a poll was taken at and voters have chosen Wurst Bier Hall in Fargo to claim that title.
It may seem as if we've gone beer/bar/brewery-happy lately. Recently, you may have read about 'the best bar in North Dakota according to Yelp', or 'the best craft brewery in North Dakota'. Perhaps there's something about this time of year that brings about the aforementioned content and the newly announced '2017 Greater American Beer Bar in North Dakota'.
Wurst Bier Hall is taking the title for the second consecutive year and is also the only German-themed bar in Fargo. The bar contains 41 draught lines and a hefty beer menu that includes "Das Boot," which involves a list of rules that need to be followed. There are also roughly 15 to 20 bottled and/or canned beers on hand. Not to mention, a variety of German foods.
Next time you're in Fargo, stop on in the 2017 Greater American Beer Bar in North Dakota at Wurst Bier Hall.
Source: KFGO