If you have a medical emergency in North Dakota, Bismarck is the city you want to be in.

The website Health Grove ranks hospitals based on reports from US News and World Report while also looking at other statistics such as the amount of deaths from pneumonia, heart attacks etc.

According to Health Grove, the best hospital in all of North Dakota is St. Alexius Medical Center in Bismarck. Over 70% of patients rate their experience as a 9 or a 10. The hospital also boasts just a 3% death rate for patients with pneumonia, heart attacks, and heart failure.

The second best hospital in the state is Sanford Medical Center in Bismarck. About 70% of patients gave this hospital a rating of 9 or 10 as well. Sanford also has just a 3% death rate for patients with pneumonia, heart attacks, and heart failure.

Sanford Medical Center in Fargo is right behind the two Bismarck hospitals and is the No. 3 ranked hospital in North Dakota.

Check out more statistics about North Dakota's hospital at Health Grove's website.

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