Two Fargo Police Officers Heroically Save Suicidal Woman
It is not easy to deal when you are fighting with your mind every, single day. Some people get to the point where they can't bear to live anymore. What a devastating place to be.
Life was difficult and scary for many people before the pandemic hit. Thanks to the pandemic and people being forced to stay home, things are even more difficult AND scarier. Now, I can't possibly know the background of a situation of attempted suicide in Fargo, but I imagine the current state of the world contributed to the person's decision to leave it today. Thank goodness for two cops, in Fargo, who rescued a woman who was on a mission to end her own life.
According to Valley News Live (Fargo), officer Brady Holte and officer Scott Normandin helped a woman in distress in a big way. This morning (September 24), the two police officers responded to a call for a welfare check on a suicidal female. The news report says that the police officers arrived to the scene to find the woman neck-deep in the Red River (in Fargo). Thankfully, she was rescued and everyone is physically alright. Get the details from Valley News Live here.
My family and I are fortunate enough to never have encountered anybody who has been at the point of attempting to end their life. And I hope we never have to. I can't imagine the pain of losing someone like that.
Please remember that your life matters to SOMEBODY. And I encourage anyone dealing with suicidal thoughts to reach out for help. Here is the website for the National Suicide Lifeline.